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What can we learn from religious / spiritual people ?i

They have a deep understanding . They are wonderfully tranquil and pass this tranquility to those around them . We can learn from these people virtues such as forbearance, patience and not rushing into judgments.

religious / spiritual people : افراد مذهبی و معنوی .

tranquil : آرام و ملایم .

tranquility : آرامش ، سکون .

virtues : فضائل .

forbearance : تحمل ، مدارا .

patience : صبر ، طاقت .

not rushing into judgments: سریع قضاوت نکردن .

من تازه عضو شدم. دوست دارم زبان کار کنم. میشه بپرسم مدرک زبانتون چیه و آیا سوالاتم رو میتونم ازتون بپرسم؟

nobelist;770259 نوشت:
من تازه عضو شدم. دوست دارم زبان کار کنم. میشه بپرسم مدرک زبانتون چیه و آیا سوالاتم رو میتونم ازتون بپرسم؟

سلام دوست عزیز .. خیلی خوش اومدید به جمع بچه های اسک دین :Gol:

بنده تحصیلات دانشگاهی این رشته شیرین رو ندارم اما بخاطر علاقه ی شخصی یادگرفتم و تدریس کردم و آیلتس گرفتم ..

اگر علمم قد بده درخدمتم :ok: بفرمائید...


Here are some common questions that people ask about the listening test, with my answers below each one.

What is the best way to write a date?i

There is no best way, and all normal ways of writing dates are accepted e.g. 7th April, 7 April, April 7th etc.

What is the best way to write a time?i

Again, as long as the time is correct, it shouldn't matter too much how you write it. You can write 9am, 9.00am, 9:00 am etc.

Do we need to include articles ('a' or 'the') before nouns?i

Usually you don't need the article. If the answer is a noun, just write that word. However, if you need to fill a gap in a sentence, the grammar should be correct, so you may need an article. If you're unsure, write the article that you hear.


Here are two common questions about the IELTS listening test:

  1. Is it acceptable to use lower case instead of upper case e.g. "central station" when the answer is "Central Station"?i
  2. Will you lose marks if you miss the "s" when the answer should be plural?i

Here are my answers:

  1. Using lower case is fine, so "central station" would be correct. You can even write everything in capital letters if you want.
  2. Missing the "s" is sometimes acceptable and sometimes not. It's not acceptable when the grammar requires a plural e.g. "the journey takes three hour" would be wrong. Some answers can be singular or plural. Check the context of the question and the sentence grammar carefully.

Is it acceptable to write words like "bookshop" or "seafood" as two words (book shop, sea food)?i

To answer this question, you need to look at the question instructions.

  • If the instruction says that you can use more than one word, "book shop" and "sea food" would be accepted.
  • However, if the instruction tells you to use only one word, you must write "bookshop" or "seafood". If you write two words, it's wrong!i


When doing practice tests, use a dictionary to find out whether we normally write one word or two.

مشک;770338 نوشت:
سلام دوست عزیز .. خیلی خوش اومدید به جمع بچه های اسک دین

بنده تحصیلات دانشگاهی این رشته شیرین رو ندارم اما بخاطر علاقه ی شخصی یادگرفتم و تدریس کردم و آیلتس گرفتم ..

اگر علمم قد بده درخدمتم بفرمائید...

سلام. خیلی ممنونم. من حدود 4 سال پیش کلاس خصوصی میرفتم و خیلی پیشرفت کردم. البته بیشتر خودم میخوندم. ولی یه مدت فاصله افتاد و میخوام دوباره شروع کنم. حتما مزاحمتون میشم.

خدا خیرتون بده. الان تو شهر ما کلاس زبان 1/5 ساعتش حدود 100 تومن درمیاد که واقعا گرونه.

nobelist;770643 نوشت:
سلام. خیلی ممنونم. من حدود 4 سال پیش کلاس خصوصی میرفتم و خیلی پیشرفت کردم. البته بیشتر خودم میخوندم. ولی یه مدت فاصله افتاد و میخوام دوباره شروع کنم. حتما مزاحمتون میشم.

خدا خیرتون بده. الان تو شهر ما کلاس زبان 1/5 ساعتش حدود 100 تومن درمیاد که واقعا گرونه.


خب اگر زمینه ی زبان دارید پس راحتید .. دیگه نیازی به کلاس گرامر نیست ! خودتون باید بخونید ضمن اینکه اگر میتونید خودتون رو در جوی که بچه ها انگلیسی صحبت میکنن قرار بدید ..

کتابهایی رو معرفی کردم از صفحه ی یک تا پنج این تاپیک رو بخونید ... دیگه همت خودتون رو میطلبه و نیازی به خرچ های اضافی ندارید...

موفق باشید

Blood is thicher than water بنی آدم اعضاء یکدیگرند

One flower can wake the dream یک گل می تواند بهار را بیاورد

Between two stools one falls to tje ground با یک دست دو هندوانه را نمی توان برداشت.


As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work , job satisfaction is an important element of individual well-being. What factors contribute to job satisfaction ? How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?i

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

The factors that make a job fulfilling tend to vary from one person to another . Often , these factors are externally dictated , leaving workers with little to no control over them . Thus , the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers is entirely unrealistic . This will be shown by analyzing the uncontrollable nature of typical working person's situation and working environment .

Firstly , in many instances people are forced to work in jobs they do not enjoy , and this is a trend that will most likely not change anytime soon . Take an uneducated single American mother , for example . Single mothers , often working demanding jobs in the service industry , typically cannot choose to leave their job due to the economical burden of their children . This example shows that many working in unfulfilling jobs do so out of necessity , not choice. As scenarios such as this do not appear to be shrinking in number , the idea that all workers could one day be satisfied with their work is considered impossible .

In addition to this , the working environment a person engages in everyday is also often uncontrollable . For instance , in remote areas of the globe , often the sole work available is conducted under squalid conditions , such as mining jobs . This illustrates how an inflexible working environment can significantly influence the level of satisfaction a person gets from their career . From this , it is clear universal job satisfaction is an impossible goal to achieve .

After analyzing the often inflexible nature of a person's circumstance and working environment , it is clear that the idea of universal job satisfaction is not plausible . It is predicted future levels of job satisfaction among workers will experience little change .

نقل قول:
Blood is thicker than water

  • مترادف فارسی: «اول خویش، سپس درویش»
  • مترادف فارسي: "چراغي را كه به خانه رواست، به مسجد حرام است"

نقل قول:
Between two stools one falls the ground

Thank you my friend .. :ok::Gol:i


"strict punishments for driving offences are the key to reducing traffic accidents"

This phrase is completely correct:khaneh:, so it must mean that the "rule" was wrong! You can put 'to' with 'ing' in many situations. Here are some examples:

  • The key to being more productive is...
  • I look forward to seeing you.
  • He admitted to taking the money.
  • Scientists are closer to being able to...
  • Seven steps to reaching your goals!

  • - preconditions to : ex. There are basic preconditions to achieving happiness.
  • Advantages to : ex. There are several advantages to studying abroad.
  • Benefits to : ex. There are many benefits to using mobile phones.
  • Drawbacks/ disadvantages : ex. The drawbacks/ disadvantages to playing video games outweigh the benefits.

1-be unaccustomed/unused to doing something
2-commit yourself to doing something
3-go/get back to doing something
4-stress your commitment to doing something
5-confine yourself to doing something
6-be averse to doing something
7-disincentive to doing something
8-bar to doing something
9-drawback to doing something
10-with a view to doing something
11-be/get used to doing something
12-be given to doing something
13-turn your hand to doing something
14-lay claim to doing something
15-object to doing something
16-own up to doing something
17-preferable to doing something
18-be resigned/resign yourself to doing something
19-restrict somebody to doing something
20-the secret to doing something
21-with a eye to doing something
22-be understood to be doing something
23-be thought to be doing something
24-be seen to be doing something

:hamdel:And so on ...l


[h=3]IELTS Speaking Part 3: long answer technique[/h] Here's the technique that I recommend for giving long answers in part 3:

  1. Answer the question directly
  2. Explain why
  3. Give an example
  4. Explain the alternative / opposite

Here's an example using a question :

Do you think that it's better to have clear aims for the future, or is it best to take each day as it comes?i

(Answer) I think it’s best to have a good idea of what you want to do with your life, especially in terms of studies and career. (Why) Having aims allows you to plan what you need to do today and tomorrow in order to achieve longer-term objectives. (Example) For example, if you want to become a doctor, you need to choose the right subjects at school, get the right exam results, and work hard at university. (Opposite) Without a clear aim, it would be impossible to take the necessary steps towards a career in medicine, or any other profession.



[h=3]IELTS Grammar: 'by/in contrast' and 'on the contrary'[/h]
Do they have the same meaning? When is each one used?i

By contrast / In contrast

I often use these two phrases in both writing task 1 and 2. They are exactly the same, and are used in a similar way to "however" or "on the other hand" to introduce a contrast / comparison. Put "By / In contrast" at the beginning of a sentence, with a comma after "contrast".


Unemployment rose in the UK. By contrast, the number of unemployed people in Canada fell.

On the contrary

I don't think you'll need this phrase for any part of the IELTS test. It doesn't mean the same thing as "by / in contrast". We use "on the contrary" to deny that something is true, and to explain that the opposite is true.


- Person 1: "You had some problems with your hotel, didn't you?"
- Person 2: "On the contrary, the hotel was great, but the airline lost my suitcase."


[h=3]IELTS Grammar: 'future perfect' tense[/h]
Here's some sentences

- By 2024, a third building will have been constructed.
In fact, this is a 'future perfect passive' sentence. Another option was to write:

- In 2024, a third building will be constructed. (simple future, passive)

There's a small difference in meaning between these two sentences. The future perfect sentence suggests that construction of the building will already be finished in 2024, whereas the simple future sentence suggests that the construction work will happen in the year 2024.


Are birthdays important in our life ?i

It is our birthday , anyway. Regardless of parties and presents , it is a good opportunity to think about what we have done and what we have not . To think about how much we have really grown up . Have we just grown up physically or with the increased number of candles , how mature have we become ?i


: بهرحال .

Regardless of
: صرف نظر از ، باوجود ، علیرغم ...

grown up
: رشد کردن ، بزرگ شدن ... Grow .. Grew ... Grown

: شمع ها .

: بالغ ، کامل.


At what age , do you think , one should celebrate his/her birthday and why?i

I think the best age is when the child is able to understand what birthdays and celebrations actually mean . He/She must be old enough to remember all the details and events of the birthday .

is able to understand : قادر به درک و فهم بودن .

old enough : به اندازه کافی بزرگ شده باشه .. قبلا در مورد جایگاه Enough در مورد اسم و صفت صحبت کردیم .

details : جزئیات.

events : وقایع.


What changes have you observed in the ways of celebrating birthdays in your city ?i

In the past , parents gave a small but friendly party at home , bought a small cake and made some sandwiches . These days , people hold birthday parties in a restaurant or coffee shop and invite many guests .

hold birthday parties : برگزار کردن مهمونی رو اینجوری میگن ... Hold یا Throw ..

How should people celebrate their birthdays?i

A small and friendly party with close friends and relatives is very good . It is not necessary to give an

extravagant party .

extravagant : گرون و غیرمعقول...

to do very well; to go very fast

To proceed or perform with great speed, skill, or success.

در رستوران پس از صرف غدا برای حساب کردن پول غذا Iis my treat
مهمان من (بحساب من) استفاده میکنیم.
junk food غذلی ناسالم و هله هوله مثل fast foodغذای سریع آماده هم نخورید.

Elderado;771693 نوشت:
در رستوران پس از صرف غدا برای حساب کردن پول غذا Iis my treat

Hi ... :Gol:TNX

These all can be used :

It's my treat.
I'll treat you.
It's on me.
Let me treat you.


People who marry late have greater opportunity for professional success than those who marry early . Is there any truth in this statement? Use personal examples to illustrate your position .

Marriage patterns vary around the world . However , a trend that appears to be common among most countries is the decision couples are making to wed at progressively later points in their lives.It is believed that marrying later provides greater opportunities for professional success. This will be proven by analyzing the ease with which single people co-ordinate career changes and the freedom they have from family responsibilities.

In most cases , individuals who are not married enjoy much more flexible lives than their married counterparts . For example , as a unmarried professional in Canada , I was free to travel to any country for the purpose of furthering my career . For my married friends this lifestyle was difficult for them to follow as it involved coordinating career changes with their spouses. As my experience shows , marrying late provides more room for career development.

In addition to this , those who marry early also tend to start families early and these responsibilities are usually extremely time-consuming . For instance , married colleagues of mine in Dubai decided to have the first baby when they were in their mid-twenties . Although very happy with their new family , what they did not realize was that they could no longer commit the extra working hours needed to advance their professions rapidly. This example makes it clear marrying later typically provides people with the time they need to grow professionally .

The above points make it clear that there is a definite relationship between career growth and marriage . Thus , although marriage and children are blessing , family planning is a necessary step serious professionals need to consider .


Vocabulary Paraphrasing

Traffic clogs up the main street.

  • The main street suffers from traffic congestion.

  • There is a traffic jam on the main street.

  • People get caught in a heavy-loaded traffic on the main street.
  • The major street is blocked by traffic.
  • Traffic obstructs the main street.
  • The main street is congested with traffic.

  • The main street is full of traffic congestion.
  • Continual bustle of cars coming and going in the main roads.

  • The main street has be overcrowded with traffic.

  • The main street blocked by traffic congestion.

  • the main street is jammed by traffic.

  • Traffic in the main street is really heavy.

  • -the street is almost blocked by traffic up to the main street.
  • -there is a traffic jam up to the main road.
  • The main street is often stuck by the traffic.

  • There is chaotic traffic on the main street.

  • The main street is always choked with many means of transportation.

  • Traffic jam pours down to the prime road.

  • .There is a traffic congestion up the main street.


A very simple conversation ...:ok2: Download and listen


Waiter: Hello
Jamie: Hi. A table for two, please.
Waiter: Of course. Over here, please. Here’s the menu.
Sally: Thank you.
Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Sally: Yes, we are.
Waiter: What would you like for your starter?
Jamie: I’d like French onion soup, please.
Sally: And I’ll have a tomato salad, please.
Waiter: And for your main course?
Jamie: Mmm, I’m not sure. I don’t know whether to have the steak or Thai chicken.
Sally: Oh, I’d like the Thai chicken and rice please.
Jamie: OK, me too.
Waiter: So that’s two Thai chicken and rice. What would you like to drink?
Jamie: I’ll have a fresh orange juice and ...
Sally: I’d like some mineral water, please.
Waiter: OK, thank you

Over here : اینجا ..

: سفارش دادن ، دستور دادن ، فرمان دادن .

starter : پیش غذا .

I’ll have : اینجا یعنی منم فلان چیزو میخوام .

main course : غذای اصلی .

whether : آیا .


Vocabulary Paraphrasing

Local people need to bring the problem to light.

Local citizens should reveal the problem.
The problem needs to be exposed to the public.
There is a need for local residents to uncover the problem.
The problem should be brought to the light by local residents.
The local residents ought to make the problem clear.
Local people should open up on issues.
Local people should discuss the problem in public.
Residential individuals should cast fascinated light on solving problems.
the local citizen should report the problem.
Local citizens need to highlight the problem in order to bring it to the awareness to the council.
Local residents need to shed light on the problem.
The local people should project this problem.
This problem has to make public to get the support of improvement.
The problem should be settled in the region.
The residents need to tackle with the problem immediately.
the problem needs to be discussed on the round table.
- Local people need to come up with solutions to the problem.


Download and listen :ok3:

A (Girl)
She lives next door and she’s always been really important in my life. When we were little and my mum was working she used to look after us. She’d tell us stories about her childhood. It was like listening to fairy stories, life was so different when she was a child. In her kitchen she used to keep a special dish with sweets for us, and she was always baking cakes and pies. Now she doesn’t bake so much. She’s started eating more healthily in her old age, salads and vegetables and things. It’s funny how she’s changed. She also goes to this special gym class for old people, it’s amazing. I don’t see her so often now, but she’s always the same person however much her lifestyle changes.

she used to : عملی را در گذشته انجام دادن .. وقتی از این ساختار استفاده میشه که داره تاکید میشه روی اینکه الان انجام نمیشه ولی در گذشته مرتب انجام میشده .

look after : مواظب بودن ، مراقبت کردن .

fairy stories : داستانهای تخیلی مثل داستانهای جن و پری ! ، داستان لطیف و دلپذیر هم معنی میده ...

bake : برای پختن شیرینی و کیک و نون از Cook استفاده نمیشه از Bake استفاده میشه .

things : اینجا یعنی و اینجور چیزا ...

B (Boy)
He’s four years older than me and that seemed like a huge amount when we were children. When we were at the same school we’d never talk to each other during school hours. But now we’re older it’s a lot better, although I’ll always be the little one, and that’s annoying sometimes. He’s taken me to rock concerts that I wouldn’t have gone to otherwise and when he was at uni I went to stay with him sometimes. That was really cool. It was great to see what real student life was like when I was still at school. Now that he’s working he’s really busy, but we still hang out sometimes. We go to football matches together because we both support our home team. It’s always good to see him.

hang out : قرار گذاشتن و بیرون رفتن و وقت گذروندن با دوستان .

C (Girl)
We’ve known each other since we were five and we’ve always got on really well. Well, apart from that time when we fell out because we both liked the same boy. But he went off with Heather Jenkins, so we made friends again quite quickly! We both like the same kind of music and going dancing at the weekend, and when we were younger we went out on our bikes together. At school we’re good at different things. I’m good at languages and Laura’s good at maths. That’s good though – it means that we can help each other with our homework. Next year I’m probably going to study in London and she’s going to Manchester, but I’m sure our relationship won’t change.

got on : رابطه خوب و دوستانه داشتن .

apart from that : گذشته از این ... جدا از این .

have an argument = Fall out : دعوا و نزاع داشتن.

to start a new relationship with someone after leaving the person you were previously having a relationship with = Go off with

D (Boy)
His family moved in just a few houses down from us when I was about ten, and I still remember how excited I felt when I found out there was another boy on the street. I’d been the only boy, you see. The others were all girls. We were good friends from the beginning because we were into the same things: computers and football, mostly. But we had quite a few of the same hobbies for a while. I remember making lots of models of aeroplanes one year. Another year we took up fishing. We had all the equipment and everything and we’d spend ages down by the river. I never go fishing now. His family moved away a couple of years ago. We’re still friends on Facebook but we don’t really have much contact.

moved in : اسباب کشی کردن در یک محله یا یک مکان .

you see : همیشه معنی دیدن نمیده ، گاهی یعنی متوجه بودن ، فهمیدن .

we were into the same things : علاقه به چیزهای مشترک داشتیم .

we took up fishing : ماهیگیری میکردیم ، در ماهیگیری شرکت میکردیم .

E (Girl)
I can remember all the details of when we met. I was wearing a red dress and I’d just had my hair cut. I can even remember what music was playing the first time I saw him. I knew he was special from the beginning, and I was right. We’ve been together ever since. Well, it’s only been eighteen months, and some people say that isn’t very long, but it seems like ages to me. We’ve got such similar personalities and so much in common. I’m sure we’ll stay together forever.

I’d just had my hair cut : موهامو کوتاه کرده بودم.

ever since :

از اون زمان تا حالا .

We’ve got so much in common
: اشتراکات زیادی داریم .


IELTS Grammar: subject + verb

Question: Which of the following is a correct sentence?i

  1. Learning a foreign language.
  2. Firstly, learning a foreign language in order to improve your career prospects.
  3. For example, learning a foreign language by living in a country where that language is spoken, and communicating with native speakers on a daily basis.

Answer: None of these are correct sentences. None of them has a main verb.

To make a sentence, you need a subject (noun/noun phrase) and a verb:

  1. I am learning a foreign language. OR, Learning a foreign language is useful.
  2. Firstly, many people learn a foreign language in order to improve their career prospects.
  3. For example, some people learn a foreign language by living in a country where that language is spoken and communicating with native speakers on a daily basis.

Some students really need to work on writing correct "subject + verb" sentences. Missing the verb in a sentence is a serious mistake that will definitely affect your score.

Hey guys

There are some websites and forums which IELTS candidates put the questions they have been asked recently. Definitely before taking exams , practicing plays a huge role . So , these links ( 1 , 2 ) may help . :Gol:l


Vocabulary Paraphrasing

They should come up with some possible designs.

They need to think of some other potential layouts.
They should put/bring forward a range of feasible layouts.
Some other designs need to be introduced.
There would be some potential designs for the new road system.
Some probable designs would be submitted by architects.
they should come forward with possible designs.
they should bring up feasible designs.
Some workable initiatives should be hired to wipe out any problems.
They should provide some workable design.
They should afford some actionable designs.
they have to find out some applicable suggestions.
they are supposed to find a way out from this problem.
They would make some layout proposals.
They may come up with some ideas of improvement.
They should propose some reasonable designs.
They should bring forth some operational designs.
They should supply some practical designs.
They should come up with some possible designs.
They have to contrive probable designs.
They must find some way to make possible designs.
They are required to find some likely designs.
A number of drawings should be introduced.
They should present some acceptable designs.


Here are some vocabulary ideas for the topic of money and consumerism. You could use these ideas to write an essay:

Many people say that we now live in 'consumer societies' where money and possessions are given too much importance. Others believe that consumer culture has played a vital role in improving our lives.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

General ideas:

a consumer society, materialistic, earn money, make money, make a profit, success, material possessions, connect wealth with happiness, status symbols, the power of advertising.

make a profit : سودزایی .
status symbols
: نماد وضعیت( نماد کلاس و نشان دهنده ی وضعیت اجتماعی یا اقتصادی ... )

Positives of consumerism:

employment, income, salaries, products that we need, reduce poverty, better standard of living, quality of life, creativity and innovation, trade between countries.

innovation : نوآوری ، ابداع.

create waste, use natural resources, damage to the environment, throw-away culture, people become greedy, selfish, money does not make us happy, loss of traditional values.

throw-away culture
: به جامعه یا فرهنگ مدرن گفته میشه که مصرف گرا هستن و محصولات رو برای مدت کوتاهی استفاده میکنن = throw-away society

When someone is on the phone and you do not know him and want to ask about his/her identity we can use who is speaking? or who is calling?or who am I speaking to
However be careful that we are not allowed to use "who are you?"It is rude isnt it
Please correct & complete me ma'am

با سلام
موقع صحبت کردن با تلفن اگه طرف مقابل رو نشناسیمش هنگام پرسیدن هویتش نمیگیم که تو کی هستی؟ میپرسیم ببخشید شما؟
این ریزه کاریها رو عنایت بفرمایید تا توضیحات تکمیلی رو خواهرم مشک(کاربر برتر ماه) ارایه کنند.

نامه های انگلیسی رو با چی شروع میکنیم؟ (یک لفظ محترمانه مثل سلام)

Elderado;772991 نوشت:
When someone is on the phone and you do not know him and want to ask about his/her identity we can use who is speaking? or who is calling?or who am I speaking to
However be careful that we are not allowed to use "who are you?"It is rude isnt it
Please correct & complete me ma'am

با سلام
موقع صحبت کردن با تلفن اگه طرف مقابل رو نشناسیمش هنگام پرسیدن هویتش نمیگیم که تو کی هستی؟ میپرسیم ببخشید شما؟
این ریزه کاریها رو عنایت بفرمایید تا توضیحات تکمیلی رو خواهرم مشک(کاربر برتر ماه) ارایه کنند.

Hello Bro

Yeah , exactly ... You're right ... Thank you for your participation .. Go on and share your valuable information plz ..:Gol:l

:Who are you is quick and to the point ,so it seems to be offensive !i Instead , These are some appropriate expressions as you mentioned

حق با شماست .. Who are you عبارت تندی هست پشت تلفن ! بهتره از اینهااستفاده شه بجاش ... :ok:

who is speaking?i

who am I speaking to?i

whom are you looking for?i

who is this?i

May I ask who this is?i

Sorry , can you remind me again whose number this belongs to?i


zah94;773026 نوشت:
نامه های انگلیسی رو با چی شروع میکنیم؟ (یک لفظ محترمانه مثل سلام)

سلام عزیزم ... فرمال یا اینفورمال ؟ میخوای نامه دوستانه بنویسی یا رسمی ؟

مشک;773058 نوشت:
سلام عزیزم ... فرمال یا اینفورمال ؟ میخوای نامه دوستانه بنویسی یا رسمی ؟

هردوش لطفا:ok:

zah94;773061 نوشت:
هردوش لطفا:ok:

عزیزم .. برای نامه های دوستانه بهتره که اینارو بکار ببری برای شروع کردن نامت :

Dear Zahra
To my dearest sister ( friend ) Zahra
To my true love :Mohabbat:
To my one and only angel Zahra
خیلی چیزا میشه نوشت از همون Hello هم میشه استفاده کرد اگر نامه ی دوستانه و راحت میخوای بنویسی دستت بازه ... این لینک سمپل های خوبی داره

نامه های رسمی :

Dear Mr ... (Dear Ms ...)l
Dear Sir/Madam,
To Whom It May Concern, ...

بستن نامه البته مهمه ... برای نامه دوستانه مثلا اینا استفاده میشه : Best wishes,... Kind regards...Love..Cheers و برای نامه های رسمی مثلا اینا میاد : Yours faithfully,...Yours sincerely, .. I look forward to hearing from you.

البته یکسری قوانین در مورد تاریخ و آدرس و اینکه چپ بالا نوشته بشه یا راست بالا بخصوص در مورد نامه های رسمی باید رعایت بشه ...

مشک;773073 نوشت:
عزیزم .. برای نامه های دوستانه بهتره که اینارو بکار ببری برای شروع کردن نامت :

Dear Zahra
To my dearest sister ( friend ) Zahra
To my true love
To my one and only angel Zahra
خیلی چیزا میشه نوشت از همون Hello هم میشه استفاده کرد اگر نامه ی دوستانه و راحت میخوای بنویسی دستت بازه ... این لینک سمپل های خوبی داره

نامه های رسمی :

Dear Mr ... (Dear Ms ...)l
Dear Sir/Madam,
To Whom It May Concern, ...

بستن نامه البته مهمه ... برای نامه دوستانه مثلا اینا استفاده میشه : Best wishes,... Kind regards...Love..Cheers و برای نامه های رسمی مثلا اینا میاد : Yours faithfully,...Yours sincerely, .. I look forward to hearing from you.

البته یکسری قوانین در مورد تاریخ و آدرس و اینکه چپ بالا نوشته بشه یا راست بالا بخصوص در مورد نامه های رسمی باید رعایت بشه ...

خیلی خیلی ممنون


Speak about the room of your house that is special to you

    [*=left]What the purpose of the room is
    [*=left]What facilities are available there
    [*=left]How much time you spend there
    [*=left]Why you like that room

I have an affinity for each room of my house , but the room I have special attachment to is my bedroom . I like my bedroom more than any other room in the house . It's the place where I spend about 12 hours a day . The carpet area of the room is approximately 20 square feet . It has a window on the south and is neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer .

It has pretty wallpaper with a very attractive design and color . Although it is my bedroom , I work , study and also receive my guests there . My desk with a computer system which connected to the Internet through a separate line is in the corner . There is also a fairly big bookcase with various educational and history books near my desk .

There are also some beautiful plants with green leaves which give a sense of relaxation to me and freshness to the whole room . My bed in next to the window and there is a TV stand and a big cassette player in front of the bed . I usually listen to light music or watch a film before I sleep . When I have guests , I turn the TV stand toward the armchairs so that my guests can watch TV , too . It's no exaggeration if I say this room is not only a part of my house but also an important part of my life . My bedroom is indeed very special to me .

affinity : وابستگی = dependency

special attachment to

: دلبستگی یا علاقه ویژه به ...

carpet area
: محل قابل فرش شدن .

: تقریبا .

attractive design
: طراحی جذاب ، گیرا .

fairly big bookcase

: قفسه کتاب نسبتا بزرگ .

green leaves
: برگهای سبز.

a sense of relaxation
: حس آرامش.

TV stand
: میز تلویزیون .

light music

: آهنگ ملایم.


صندلی راحتی .

It's no exaggeration if I say:

اغراق نیست اگر بگم ...

: واقعا .


Speak about a peaceful place you visit regularly .

    [*=left]Name and location of the place
    [*=left]Describe the place
    [*=left]What you do there

Everyday at noon , I go to the Nasir-al-Molk Mosque on Lotf ali Khan Zand street to say my prayers . It is located near Shah Cheragh . When I enter this holy place , I immediately forget all of my problems . You can feel only peace and nothing else everywhere . This mosque was constructed during the Ghajar period and the construction took about 12 years .

It was repaired a few years ago in accordance with old monuments repair standards . It has a big yard with a big pool right in the center . On the north , there is the Pearl Arch Yard . On the east , there is the roofed part of the mosque with seven stone columns . On the west , there is the main roofed part of the mosque where there are windows with colorful glass .

Nasir-al-Molk Mosque is one of the most beautiful mosques in Iran with respect to art of tiling . Its beautiful tiling design plays a significant role in creating peace . There is a big yard on the northern side of the mosque whose ceiling is full of colorful and pretty tiles . The roof is constructed on 12 spiral columns which symbolize twelve Imams .

It has seven wooden gates in all of which colorful glass has been used . The stone carving and design of this part is inspired by Vakil Mosque in Shiraz . The floor is covered with azure tiles and the ceiling is decorated with verses from the Quran .

to say my prayers : برای نماز خوندن.

was constructed: ساخته شد .

construction : ساخت .

in accordance with old monuments repair standards : مطابق با استانداردهای تعمیر آثار تاریخی (بناهای) قدیمی .

Pearl Arch Yard : حیاطِ طاق مراواریدی.

roofed part : قسمت مسقف .

with respect to art of tiling : با توجه به هنر کاشی کاری.

spiral columns : ستونهای مارپیچی.

wooden gates : درهای ( بزرگ ) چوبی.

stone carving : کنده کاری روی سنگ .

azure tiles: کاشی های لاجوردی.

verses from the Quran : آیاتی از قرآن .

به نام خدا
سلام مشک عزیز
معنی as many as چی میشه؟

zah94;773447 نوشت:
به نام خدا
سلام مشک عزیز
معنی as many as چی میشه؟

سلام عزیزم

یعنی ( به اندازه ی زیاد ، به مقدارِ زیاد = Extensive ) ... مثال :

You can take as many pens as you need
میتونی هرچقدر خودکار میخوای برداری ..

As many as 500,000 people may have become infected with the virus
تعداد 500000 آدم تاالان ممکنه که به ویروس آلوده شده باشن . ( اینجا چون عدد زیاده As many as برای تاکید روی مقدار زیاد عدد هست )


Should uniforms be made compulsory in schools?i

I think uniformity in schools is a good idea . Children must wear uniforms so that they all look alike . Schools shouldn't be a place where children show off the latest fashions .

compulsory : اجباری.

uniformity : یکنواختی ، متحد الشکلی .

alike : مساوی ، مانند هم .

show off : پز دادن ، خودنمایی کردن .


How is a library useful to teenagers ?i

Unfortunately , most teenagers go to the library only when they are forced to . They go there to study for exams or do their research projects . There are only few teenagers who are interested in books and reading books other than their school books.

they are forced to : مجبور هستن.

do research projects Sad این ترکیب مهمه )یعنی برای انجام پروژه های تحقیقاتی .

other than
: به غیر از .